Kyle Schloss: Southern Grain Craftsmen

Kyle Schloss, the owner of Southern Grain Craftsmen, had done a few different jobs in his lifetime but was really passionate about woodwork ever since he was in middle school. He used to build things in his garage and one time he found an old cabinet shop from an owner who had run out of business. Luckily, he knew him and he called to ask whether he could move in which he accepted. He then moved in swung right into work.

Starting this business was a huge risk for him as he didn’t know what lay ahead. This move meant that he had to partake responsibilities such as having to pay for rent and other costs that came with the business. He obviously didn’t know where his next check would come from or if he’d actually get paid for his work, but he just hoped that his work would speak out for itself, and it did.

The business has been running for a year, which has three workers but is seeking to employ more. The biggest lesson for him is learning to let the customers see his work. For his website, he didn’t want to use photos from his previous jobs, so building the brand and having customers to trust that was a little difficult.

Another lesson that took a while to understand would be finding the pricing for a product. Trying to balance between being fair-priced, paying himself for all the hard work, and getting a profit proved to be a little bit tricky.
He gains motivation by following people on social media who talk mostly about woodwork and sees what other people are creating out there. Also, lovely customers who appreciate his work and build a business relationship with him give him the will to continue working.

With 10 acres of land available, Kyle expects to fully expand the shop in the near future. He started with fabrication first unlike many other businesses so he now wants to invest in sawmill which he feels will catapult his business. He’s slowly building his brand and he hopes will be fully appreciated in future.

Anyone who wants to turn their hobby into a full-time job should go for it and stay passionate about it and regardless of the tribulations they go through, they should remain motivated and persistent.
Kyle Schloss Business owner, woodworker, fabricator, and designer. Southern Grain Craftsmen is my company, where perfection is our standard!

Facebook: Southern Grain Craftsmen
Instagram: Southern_grain_nc
Website: Southern Grain Craftsmen

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