5 Tips to Help Grow Your Business

Information is the most valuable commodity today. Massive companies have built themselves purely on the basis of collecting information from their customers and subsequently selling that information to their clients.

Having information on its own though is nothing if you don’t use it, and most people don’t, so let’s change that today. Check out the 5 tips below that will help you grow your business.

1. Think of yourself as a brand and not just as an individual.

Especially if you have a one-man shop and you are the only one who works there, you are your business. You represent the entire company and it is important for you to portray yourself with the level of integrity and professionalism that your customers will expect from your business.

2. Understand what it is that you are offering, and make sure that it aligns with your ideal market and their needs.

If you don’t know who your ideal market is, take a look at your last 5 customers and look at the commonalities between them. If you are unhappy with those customers, take a close look at your brand and review how you tell stories and how you portray your company’s values.

3. Build a community around your brand.

Community is more than just providing stickers and t-shirts with your logo on them, it is about empowering people and bringing them along for the journey. Letting people know about what you are doing with your business, and about the process is a big part of that. You want to make sure to paint your customers and your clients as the heroes in your journey. You tell their stories, and making sure to let them be a part of your story is incredibly important as well.

4. Put out offers.

This is the process of actually selling, and putting yourself out there with the intent to sell. This means building a proven vetted system for bringing in customers, keeping track of them and their needs, and following up with them. The objective is to get them to visit your business, book calls, and meetings, and buy your products online, whatever fits your business model.

5. Make sure that you are clear about what you are offering.

When you are first starting your business it is about building that portfolio, but once you’ve passed that point it becomes about proving why customers should choose your products and services over someone else’s. What makes the slabs or furniture that you sell the best ones on the market?

One of the biggest things to always keep in mind Woodpreneurs is to always work on your business, not just in your business. Take the time and devote the energy to make sure that your business is always growing and that you don’t get lost in the small details.

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