Steve Larosiliere: Solo Episode

Steve Larosiliere: Solo Episode


“When I first started, I didn’t really care about downloads, and I still kind of don’t care about downloads. I care more about providing really great stories and insights and lessons for the Woodpreneur Community.

And so, I would say that I probably took last year the most seriously that I ever have with the podcast. I did my best to find good guests. And I know that a lot of you find a lot of value in the consulting sessions that I provide for folks.”


-Steve Larosiliere


Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today’s guest is none other than Steve Larosiliere himself! Hear him as he recaps 2022, discusses his goals for 2023, and shares a handful list of trends and other stuff that Woodpreneurs should know this 2023.

For the Woodpreneur Community, Steve started the podcast to share inspiring stories, insightful thoughts, and life lessons. Before he knew it, 20,000 people were already listening to the podcast without him ever glancing at the statistics. As a result, Steve diligently searched for quality guests and treated the show seriously. His efforts were well-spent, as many listeners found a lot of value in the consulting sessions he provided for folks.

In this episode, Steve discusses his love of helping people with their businesses and the reason behind the company’s rebranding (Acres of Timber). Also, watch out as he talks about launching a brand-new podcast specifically just for builders with an old guest Yelitza Mora and don’t miss the most awaited marketing tips for this year 2023!

It’s time to hear the complete story now!


“I preach a lot about building a brand, building a personal brand. So, you’re actually going to see me implement what I teach more.

So, doing YouTube and more podcasts. Launching a brand-new podcast specifically just for builders as well, with an old guest, Yelitza Mora, who owns a construction company in Dallas. So, we’re partnering up on that.”


-Steve Larosiliere


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Seizing Every Opportunity


We only get one chance at life. How many of us frequently neglect to appreciate what life has to offer? We should take our existence seriously because we only get one chance to live a happy life. Steve has had the good fortune to accomplish much in his life and profession. He aims to encourage people to expand and scale in what they love doing or leave a career or job that drains them of their energy. He encourages you to contemplate these questions: “Why am I living this way? In 10 to 15 years, what is the intended outcome? How do I envision my future?”


You can attend Steve’s workshop for $100. Although he will capture it live, the entire event will be recorded. So, visit

Steve wants you to make a plan for your year. Therefore, we would like you to get the course and complete the exercises.


“The last thing that I want to say is you got to look at every opportunity in front of you, right?  I lost my dad in 2021.

And one of the things that I learned is that tomorrow is not guaranteed, all we have is today. And you got to stop hiding behind some idea that somebody’s going to come and save you or one day I’ll work up the courage to actually pursue my dreams and goals.”


-Steve Larosiliere


Want to get in touch with Steve Larosiliere?


Contact him through:


Woodpreneurlife Instagram:


Acres of Timber Website:

Stoked Website:


Woodpreneurlife YouTube:


Woodpreneurlife Website:

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