Brad Huebner: Hammer & Grind

Brad Huebner: Hammer & Grind


“The people that are going to be good employees, they’re not sitting at home unemployed on a couch searching the Indeed job boards, and this happens to find, they’re working for someone else.

And you have to steal them away. I mean, dude, you really have to steal them away from the company.”


– Brad Huebner


Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today’s episode will be a bit different from the norm as your host Steve Larosiliere will be interviewing not just a woodworker, but also a contractor coach and a podcaster. We will be joined by Brad Huebner from Hammer & Grind.

After graduating high school, Brad worked various jobs while contemplating his plans. And during his junior and senior years of high school, he studied architectural drawing for two years. After realizing in his senior year that being an architect required outstanding marks, Brad decided to join the military instead of pursuing his dream profession. To cut a long story short, he found himself working for a construction management company some years after getting out of the military.

In this episode, Brad discusses the most profitable jobs he did before, the difficulties he faced while starting his handyman business, and his opinions on whether it is better to stay small or expand into an actual business.

Listen now and get the whole story!


“You have to really change your mindset. You have to switch from being a tradesman to a business owner because they’re really two different mindsets.

That’s the first step you have to take. The next thing is you have to price your work accordingly. I mean, 90% of the contractors I talk to are underpricing their work.”


– Brad Huebner


Photo Credit: Hammer & Grind Facebook Page


How Does Employee Poaching Works?


Companies frequently try to recruit people with highly sought-after talents and expertise to have top talent at their company. If you possess these abilities, you may attract the interest of businesses eager to hire you and offer you a more excellent salary and perks. One approach for employers to find new hires is by luring them away from rival businesses.

Brad believes that if he creates a video, uploads it on his Facebook page, runs an advertisement, and a guy who works for someone else will see it. Then that’s not unethical because you’re meeting them at a place where they’re unhappy where they’re at, and you’re providing this solution for the change.


“If I rode up to a job site, a competitor’s job site, and said,

“Who here wants $5 more for an hour?”

then I steal three employees? I would say that’s unethical. But if I post a job online or create a video, I put it on my Facebook page and run an ad or something, and a guy working for someone else sees that.

That’s not unethical. You’re meeting them at a place where they’re unhappy where they’re at, and you’re providing this solution for the change.”


– Brad Huebner


Want to get in touch with Brad Huebner?


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