Building Locally, Expanding Nationally Ft. Eutree

Building Locally, Expanding Nationally Ft. Eutree


“We’re always focused on growing locally, but something that I’ve been focused on is expanding outside the Atlanta market. It’s been great for the Atlanta messaging, but I’m also trying to think about how do we make our local forestry urban wood message resonate for folks who live outside of Georgia?”


  • Carmen Rodriguez


For most businesses, especially those that deal with a physical product, it is always beneficial to have a strong representation locally. However, as companies expand, there comes a time to look outward and try to reach a larger audience to grow the business further. Steve Larosiliere applauds what Carmen and Sims have accomplished so far in this regard and offers some advice on potential next steps.



Photo Credit: @eutree 



Knowing Who You Are


“I like that way of thinking. You have the inventory, the processes, and the brand locally, and I always tell people to dominate their own area before they think about expanding. I feel like you’re in that part right now. With the Woodpreneur method, we talk about mindset, branding, community, and sales. So, you have the brand, you have the message, and you know who you are. The next part is; how do you build a community around yourself?


I’ll give you an example. I went to Dallas, and I did a Woodpreneur meetup. So I went to the database, I called Doc right in Dallas, and he let me host it at his space. I got all of the woodworkers in that area together, and then we brought them together, we did a Q&A, we had some beer, and we did some community building.


An idea for you is to potentially take a roadshow where you pick a market, whether it’s Chicago or Brooklyn, or Oregon. Contact every artist and person in Oregon because you have a competitive advantage where you have the processes and the brand, and there aren’t too many people willing to do the work you are doing. There’s not a lot of people like you.”


  • Steve Larosiliere


This method can be expensive, but it is intended as a long-term option that would pay off down the road. Seeing products like those produced by Eutree is more impactful in person than it would be on a virtual presentation or via a Zoom meeting. When you can take your personality, your brand, and your products directly to your intended audience and create an experience for them, it effectively builds out a new market.



Photo Credit: @eutree 



Harnessing the Power of Video


“You have a lot of great work on your site, great featured products, but what I don’t see is the stories behind them. I strongly believe that you need more audio-visual context about your process. For your next project, I would hire a videographer to film you taking the order and then film the whole processing of the order all the way to hand off to the client. Then throughout the video, the context is like, ‘We wanted this kind of look and this and this and this, and the only people that could do it are Eutree.’


For me, it’s not about the views; it’s about the quality of the views. If you’re able to send a two-minute video to a designer, and every time you send out an email, you’re like, ‘Hey, check out our little case study series.’ Then you give people more time to think about you. Then you put it onto your website, into a password-protected area where it’s only for designers and architects.


You will know who logs in and when, and because they watch the video, if you put a pixel on it, you can retarget them, and you don’t even need to spend that much money. Every time you put up a piece of content, you can push so that when they’re on Facebook or YouTube, they’re getting ads from Eutree, but you contacted them three months ago, and now they’re thinking about your project.”


  • Steve Larosiliere




Instagram: @eutree


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