Building Relationships with Designers by Steve Larosiliere

Photo Credit: @tablerustique

Building Relationship with Designers by Steve Larosiliere

Designers are the holy grail for you to grow your business. Here is the super down and dirty high-level way to get in touch with a designer.


You can build relationships with designers through the use of Social Media platforms like Instagram. You can use hashtags, for example, #designers then your city. Or #yourcity designers. Or #NYdesigners, #NYarchitects you can use NC for North Carolina, and so forth.

Then start building social connections. Like those designer’s posts, engage with them and do this technique for one or two weeks. I suggest focusing on at least 10 or 20 of them. (Especially if they are in your area)

As you are making posts tag them, or hit them with a DM then say “Hey! I love your work. Let’s talk about how can we collaborate to get some local wood for your clients and your projects if you have 15 mins. I can walk you through my process for how it works” then hit send!

Photo Credit: @tablerustique

If you get through to at least one of those designers, they can provide you with enough work for a year or two, and if you hit it off with multiple designers that’s even better.

You can also say that “Hey! I have an exclusive line I can do just for you.” in that case you add value by offering branding or a specific species, tell them “Hey! If you show me one design, I can mock it up and I can do it for you!”

Do something and pay attention to those designers, that one sample mock-up can lead to other potential customers and projects.

Photo Credit: @tablerustique

Branding, Community, and Sales

If you are able to brand yourself well, you tell incredible stories. So if you can do all of that, you can now build a community of designers, architects, and woodworkers, essentially people that know you and could potentially buy from you. Then add value to them, and get them an introduction to other people in your community who can elevate them. If you have an open house, invite them and their clients.

You can also put some offers “I would love to serve or help you, I would love to get my wood products in the hands of your customers and in their homes.”

You can easily prospect through social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

If you want to know more, join the Facebook group!

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