Craig DeCicco: DeCicco Woodshop Advice

Photo Credit: decicco_woodshop

Craig DeCicco: DeCicco Woodshop


Will I invest in paid ads marketing even though I am booked out? 

This is the most question I have encountered when doing the interview or in the podcast. Because people think that they don’t need to do marketing because there are already booked out. 

Photo Credit: decicco_woodshop

So here is the breakdown of what you’ll need to do. 


  1. Never take your foot off the gas 
  2. If you are busy, meaning you are not charging enough, try to raise your prices. 
  3. Grow your business, start delegating a lot more and outsource some of the things that take up a lot of your time.

 You can outsource some of your marketing, admin, and sanding. You can outsource so you can focus on the face of the brand and the finishing touches and focus on the things that you really truly loved to do. 

Take note that you are not spending more money on employees, you are investing in an employee that can give you back time so that you can focus on higher-level things. 


     4. Focus on SEO to build your brand. 


IG: @decicco_woodshop


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