Getting Involved with Local Charities Ft. Sean Harmer Woodworking

Getting Involved with Local Charities Ft. Sean Harmer Woodworking


“I had the benefit of you just putting on a great seminar. But you suggested reaching out, getting yourself out there within the local community, particularly going to a non-profit. I thought that was just brilliant. My next step is to use Instagram, use the hashtag #denverinteriordesigners, for instance, and go through the list of designers that I find, start a conversation and relationship, and show them some of my work. But I can keep pushing; that’s the hard part that I think everybody struggles with.”


  • Sean Harmer


Building more business locally is essential for most companies, especially those that deal with local products. However, to build a name and business locally, a lot comes down to making yourself well known in that space. Fortunately, Steve has years of experience working for and running a non-profit, and he has some ideas to help Sean out.


“So how to build more local business. Working locally with a charitable organization is probably one of the best things you can do to feel good, but the people involved feel good too. They have similar good-hearted, good-minded values. 


If they know how to put together a gala, and the gala costs more than $100-$200 per ticket, and the tables are selling for $1,000-$10,000 a table, that’s where you want to be because those people can afford custom furniture. So what you want to do is to go out and connect with them and let them know that you exist.”


  • Steve Larosiliere



Photo Credit: @seanharmer_woodworking



Somebody Will Buy From You Because of You


“I have a client right now, and I have him raising money for a charity that I happen to know the founder of in San Diego. Non-profits have deep, deep connections and relationships with the community because they’ve been around for so long, and Denver is a massive market. 


There were 30 people at our Woodpreneur Denver meetup, and there’s more than enough business for everybody to make money. Just because you make a particular type of product, that doesn’t take away from anybody else; somebody will buy from you because of you. 


There’s not enough lumber in the world to serve everybody, and there are not enough dining room tables in the world to serve everybody. You could probably make, I don’t know, 20 to 30 a year; there’s only so many that you can make. If you’re listening to this, don’t be afraid. There’s really no such thing as competition.”


  • Steve Larosiliere


There are opportunities everywhere; you just need to look for them. Living in Denver, Sean has access to all the snowboarding and skiing locations, where they advertise ‘high-altitude living’ as a luxury. Those are the people you should be building relationships with, as they have the deep pockets that can afford quality furniture and wood products. It really is all in who you know.




Instagram: @seanharmer_woodworking


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