How to Delegate Like a Pro Ft. Lazy Guy DIY

How to Delegate Like a Pro Ft. Lazy Guy DIY


“I wouldn’t call myself a control freak, But I feel like I have to do everything. Knowing which things are the easiest to unload and what gives you the most lift. I do my own video editing for content or intake for emails and things. I’ve got to do emails all day long, so what are your thoughts? What things do you unload?”

  • Adam Beasley


Steve is a long-standing advocate of delegating tasks, and his recommendation for Adam is to follow suit. The more tasks you can remove from yourself, the easier it will be to focus your time and energy on the important things. 


“I recommend you unload as much as you possibly can. Before I did Acres of Timber, I ran a nonprofit, and I’ve also had my own marketing businesses before. When I did my first marketing business, it was just my business partner and me, and we basically created jobs for ourselves. After that, I started learning to build teams around myself, and that’s when you move from button pusher to leader.


A lot of times, it’s easy to be like, ‘Oh, I can’t afford it.’ But your brain and time are best used on your highest payoff activities. Sometimes that’s emails, and sometimes that’s not. I posted recently about somebody who built a website, and it took them like a month or three months to do it when they literally could have paid somebody else to do it. What else could you have been doing during that time to make money? You could have been forming better relationships and bringing in more customers. 


I just said this not too long ago, but make a list of the tasks that you don’t want to do ever, and start small and start outsourcing some of those tasks. I like to use a software called Loom where you could do screen share software and just start creating standard operating procedures for some of your administrative tasks.”

  • Steve Larosiliere



Photo Credit: @lazyguydiy



Keeping Your Voice Accurate


Whether email, video editing, or any other task in your business, you must keep your voice intact while delegating tasks to your employees. This aspect is one of the most challenging and frightening steps for many business owners regarding delegation. Still, it can be accomplished easily with proper preparation and attention.


“I understand that thing about editing because it’s your voice, and you have a specific style. But I bet you if you record yourself editing some of your videos and say, ‘Okay, I kept this because I like this, I kept this because I like this.’ Then you can hire somebody, have a heavy hand for three months, and then they’ll start to get your style. 


The other thing I like to do is write down all my ideas. If it’s something that’s in my head, and I keep thinking about it over and over and over again, what I do is I flesh it out completely, and then I put it to the side. If I’m still obsessing about it, I bring it up, but at least I have the fleshed-out project plan and a timeline. You don’t have to put days into it, but put a timeline, flesh it out, and put it to the side because if it’s out of your head and you’re not thinking about it, you can move on to the next thing.”

  • Steve Larosiliere




Instagram: @lazyguydiy


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