How to Make Social Media Work for You Ft. Horigan Urban Forest Products

How to Make Social Media Work for You Ft. Horigan Urban Forest Products


“Social media is always a challenge for a small business to keep that going. So where do you get your biggest return on that? The other thing I was wondering is what you suggest or recommend for focusing on reaching customers?”

  • Erika Horigan


No matter what industry you operate within, reaching customers is a vital part of any business. In this day and age, that process is almost always accomplished thanks at least in part to social media. However, although it’s easy to state how important social media is, it’s a lot trickier to put that into practice.


“Everybody needs to be on social media. But the way you use social media needs to work for you. I’m big into building the right alignment for who you are, your core values, your personality and your business. I coach and I mentor a lot of a lot of wood businesses and what works for one person doesn’t always work for another.


So when I think about outreach and marketing, from what I know about you, you’re a very relationship driven person. Social media is great for storytelling and amplifying relationships that you already have and it’s a great way for you to capture authentic stories.”

  • Steve Larosiliere



Photo Credit: @horiganufp



Learning Who Your Followers Are


In almost every single industry out there, it is vital to know your audience. But just how literally should you take that idea? Steve touts the importance of not only knowing how many people follow you, but learning who they are, where they operate, and getting to know them as companies and as individuals.


“Spend some time getting to know your actual current followers. They may be your customers now or they may be your future potential customers. You have a lot of other people just like you, other peers. 


Look at your past five customers and make an avatar with who your ideal customers are. If you sold to a lot of millwork shops, or if you sold to a lot of architects and designers, they’re probably not on Facebook or Instagram. They’re probably on LinkedIn. So spending some time on LinkedIn, and developing authority and sharing articles and insights would be beneficial to you. 


You’ve been around since 2003. You have a lot to offer people when it comes to Urban Wood and building materials. You had your own flooring line that to me says, ‘What do you need to do in order to have sustainable flooring in your next development project?’ If I’m a developer, and I’m going to sell that idea to a client, I would want to know that from you.”

  • Steve Larosiliere




Instagram: @horiganufp


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