How to Set Priorities for your Wood Business

Photo Credit: Evan Sanchez

How to Set Priorities for your Wood Business

It comes down to what do you need the most at that moment. A lot of times when you lack priority it prevents you from moving forward, you feel overwhelmed, you get anxious, and you just feel overall confused. Establishing priorities comes down to what resources that you have at hand. Check the video that I’m going to do about outsourcing, because once you can start to delegate certain things of your business, then you will be able to gain more freedom to really focus on what moves your business forward.

So priorities come down to asking yourself, what do you need? Maybe you need more marketing or you need more sales. Okay, what do you need to do about that? You need to put out an ad, like a Google ad or Facebook ads, or you need to put together an offer. What else do you need? You need a website. It’s about continually assessing yourself and what you need at the moment.

Reviewing your Needs

If you lack clients, you need to focus on getting clients. If you have clients, you need to focus on finishing those projects, communicating with them, documenting them, and being able to get testimonials and social proof so that you can gain more followers. If your shop is a mess, then focus on organization because that’s going to make you more efficient. If If you lack the tools, then you need to either invest in the tools or complete more clients and get more jobs so you can invest more into your tools. Priorities really come down to recognizing the most important thing that you need at the moment at that time.



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