How to Transition Your Customer Base to Your Own Website Ft. Ronders

How to Transition Your Customer Base to Your Own Website Ft. Ronders


“Recently, I’ve been trying to figure out how to increase the visits to my listings. I think the answer is to get them listed on my own website, but I avoided that for a while because Etsy was bringing all the traffic to me, and I couldn’t compete with the traffic they were bringing. It’s getting to the point where I’m starting to get more hits on my website, and I think people are confident enough that, if I displayed correctly on my site, they would order straight from me versus having a middleman of Etsy.”

  • Ron Dyrcz


The challenge facing Ron’s business faces many companies that start on Etsy or other 3rd party sales platforms. How to transition to making the majority of your sales through your own website. Fortunately, Steve has a lot of experience and understanding of companies’ methods to develop their online platforms, something he shares with Ron.


“I like that question a lot. Did you know Amazon blew up so much because of Google AdWords and Facebook? Amazon blew up on the back of other advertising platforms. So I think since you have over 650 sales on Etsy, take the most popular things you sell on Etsy and diversify the traffic source. Put just a little money behind those and list them on Facebook. Then you can market your reviews and take screenshots of the reviews, and market those on Facebook.


Then the next thing that I would do is build your own website. There are all these plugins that allow you to import your reviews from Etsy and put them onto your website as social proof. You want to start building up your own page, so you can use your Etsy to build up your Facebook page. I don’t think Etsy gives you the tools to build your own independent platform, so when you move from Etsy to Facebook, you can start your own website. From there, you can begin to go directly to the consumer, but it’s a phased approach.”

  • Steve Larosiliere



Photo Credit: @rondersdotcom



Traffic For One Benefitting All


When building up your online presence, it’s easy to focus on just one platform or another. But a structured approach where you use each online platform to benefit each other one and build them collectively is significantly more effective. 


“Start by taking your best selling items, start marketing them and drive traffic directly to your Etsy page. Then you can duplicate that ad, and then have it go directly to your website on Facebook. You’re literally taking the same ad, the same photo, the same everything. 


You’ve got to do it in a very strategic way. But it could be a little bit of a test where you continue running ads to Facebook, then you start doing your own ads directly to your website. But the first step would be to increase the amount of traffic that goes to your Etsy page, because your Etsy has a lot of social proof.”




Instagram: @rondersdotcom

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