Josh Scheutzow: A Carpenter’s Son

Josh Scheutzow: A Carpenter’s Son

“It was just a side hustle. But with an interesting twist. I was an estimator engineer for a construction company, and my boss had this beautiful wood shop down in our office.

And so, I started making cutting boards in my spare time to make some extra money to pay for adopting one of our kids. And so, we kind of quickly picked up some steam. It was right when Instagram started to gain popularity and people were joining up telling the story of what they were doing.

So, we figured we’d do the same thing. So, we started making cutting boards to offset the cost of our kids’ adoption. And then, just kind of quickly spiraled out of control. And we sold about $30,000 worth of cutting boards and stuff within a month or two. It was nuts. So, it’s kind of became all-consuming very quickly.”

Josh Scheutzow

Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere is joined by Josh Scheutzow from A Carpenter’s Son.

Josh started the company as an exciting side venture. Josh worked as a construction company’s estimator engineer, and his boss had a lovely wood shop right in the office. As a result, Josh began producing cutting boards in his spare time to earn some additional cash for one of their children’s adoption. Thus, they quickly gained momentum. It was at that exact moment that Instagram began to gain popularity, and users began to sign up and share their activities. Josh assumed that they would act likewise. He began creating cutting boards to help pay for their children’s adoption. The situation then quickly got out of control. In a matter of months, they were able to sell cutting boards and other items for roughly $30,000. Yes, that was insane! It immediately became all-consuming as a result.

In this episode, Josh shares his first major AHA when he realized that his business is a real thing, how he handled the uncertainty and stress, and the moment he started hiring staff.

Listen now and get the whole story!

Photo Credit: @a_carpenters_son

“What you can do is write blog posts and tell videos where they are part of the story, because they are part of your story and now, you’re hacking into their channels.”

– Steve Larosiliere

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, it’s crucial to collaborate with others and attend events to establish meaningful relationships that can help you grow both personally and professionally.

Collaboration is crucial as it brings together different perspectives, skills, and experiences that can lead to innovative solutions to complex problems. It also helps in building trust and improving communication among team members. Attending events is another excellent way to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network.

Networking events, conferences, and workshops are great opportunities to learn from experts in your field, gain new insights, and share your knowledge and experiences with others. It’s also a chance to meet potential clients or partners, which can lead to new business opportunities.

“You could collaborate with designers, do a series of events regionally, invite all those people there. Even if those people don’t buy there, it’ll create another conversation.”

– Steve Larosiliere

Want to get in touch with Josh Scheutzow?

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