Kiln Drying Lumber At It’s Best, Nyle L200 Pro Tour By Out of the Woods

Photo Credit: @outofthewoodsforestry

Kiln Drying Lumber At It’s Best, Nyle L200 Pro Tour By Out of the Woods


L200 Pro 

Just like every other chamber or kiln-dry, you see in most woodworkers, the one we have here is quite the same having the most basic things of it. L200 Pro makes it special because it has an electronic wet bulb, but unlike another wet bulbs, L200 Pro doesn’t have a vessel that is full of water for the collection of moisture content reading.


L200 Pro has a little instrument that read the dry and wet bulbs. And at the back of the kiln, it has probes that you can stick in your wood to measure the temperature of your wood during the sterilization process. 

Photo Credit: @outofthewoodsforestry

Drying Lumber 

 To make it simple to understand, all we are doing inside the Kiln is creating an environment for the lumber to properly dry. By controlling the temperature, humidity, and airflow and by doing so, you are making an ideal situation for the lumber to dry. 


Kiln Controller 

The very good thing about this controller is that you can check everything one by one like the fan, the vent, the blower, and so on for a few seconds under the advanced mode. 


By having a control panel you can control the circulation of everything inside depending on the thing and the type of wood you have. 


IG: @outofthewoodsforestry

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