Marketing Woodworking Business – Your 10 Step Woodworking Business Marketing Plan by Woodworking For Fun & Profit

Marketing Woodworking Business – Your 10 Step Woodworking Business Marketing Plan by Woodworking For Fun & Profit


We want to help create success for all woodworking businesses! So here we are again sharing with you the 10 Steps for Woodworking Business Marketing Plan inspired by Woodworking For Fun & Profit. 


Think of your business as a growing asset. Attract customers by marketing your business and create a Marketing Plan & Schedule to achieve the best result. 


1. Understand what marketing is and what it can do for your business


As we’ve mentioned in the previous articles, marketing your business is one of the most important parts of your company’s success. It creates exposure, points of contact, and opens lines of communication with your potential customers. If you create the right impression and positive impact for your customers it will be like a domino effect which will result in the success of your business. 


Photo Credit: Woodworking For Fun & Profit YT Channel


2. Create a composite of your ideal customers


Who will buy your woodworking products? Begin by building your potential customers profile. Who are they? What are they doing? What are their hobbies and interests? Try to learn everything you can about them. The more you get to know them the more you will likely build a connection with them. 


3. Identify where and how your ideal customers spend time online and offline


Are they likely to join Facebook groups? Or are they more on Instagram, Twitter, or elsewhere?


Do they prefer to buy face-to-face or online? Are you more likely to see them at a tradeshow, sporting event, theater, or in a bingo hall? Assessing your potential client’s habits will help you determine your best marketing plan moving forward.


Photo Credit: Woodworking For Fun & Profit YT Channel

4. Connect with your potential customers


If your clients are interior designers, consider the publication they are likely to subscribe to or read articles from. Try to search anything on Google that will help you identify more of your potential clients. If you are targeting professionals look for foreign blogs and association memberships they might be interested in joining. 


5. Answer common questions and solve potential clients’ problems.


Providing quality content, graphics and video postings will help provide information about how you can solve their problems. Creating content that answers your potential client’s problems will give them ideas and create interest for them to know more of your brand and what can you offer. 


Also, do not overlook direct marketing, when targeting specific demographics, direct mail marketing can be effective. 


Stay tuned to this blog and we will cover the remaining steps to marketing your woodworking business. See you in the next article! 


Know more about marketing tips on this channel! 


Youtube Channel: Woodworking For Fun & Profit


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