Nate Matlack Woodworking Advice Section

Photo Credit: @matlackfinewoodworking

Nate Matlack Woodworking


How to make content that is engaging?


When I first hope on Instagram six or seven years ago, It is very different than it is right now. Before you can post a picture and you will get a lot of engagement. Now Instagram is forcing us to use reels to compete with TikTok.


Pinned Post as Sales Funnel 

Use pinned posts like a sales funnel for you, and walk people through who you are. Pin a video that can say who you are, that’s 1, 2nd is your process or how you work and the 3rd one is like a portfolio of the stuff that you’ve done. 

  • Steve Larosiliere
Photo Credit: @matlackfinewoodworking

Daily Content Suggestions 

For your daily content, sharing progress is good as also telling stories. You might be wondering why some people usually repeat them over and over, It is because people forget and you have to constantly be reminding people of who you are. Not because you are annoyed with it, that does not mean your audience is. It is really about relatability. 


  • Steve Larosiliere


What do you need to do to engage with the audience?

You need to be a personality who makes the work. You should have the mindset that by sharing yourself more, you would sell more and would be related to your audience more, are you going to do it? 


Connect more with men and women, your ideal target audience, dive in, and start engaging and following them. 


  • Steve Larosiliere


IG: @matlackfinewoodworking

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