Nathan Nowak: Wyco Wood Co.

Nathan Nowak: Wyco Wood Co.


“It’s probably been about five years ago now.

With the idea of just taking trees that had no other purpose and turning them in into something other than firewood. Never really thought it would materialize into more than that. But as time went on, we learned how much we really enjoy opening up a log and seeing what’s inside of it.”


  • Nathan Nowak


Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere is joined by Nathan Nowak, the co-founder of WYCO Wood Co. Nathan started the company with the idea of taking trees and turning them into firewood. With time, they ventured into milling dimensional lumber after realizing it could be turned into a business. In this episode, Nathan shares the most rewarding parts of starting and running a woodworking business, his vision, and some of the challenges he faces. Being employed as a firefighter and running the company can be a huge task, but he shares how he balances his work time and still runs the business. Since it is a business that only relies on providing services to clients, they share some of the investment plans that could see the company generate more from developing products and not just their services. Listen now and get the whole story!


“I would say 80% of our business is we get phone calls from people that really have no other options. They’ve got a giant tree in their yard that they can’t move because of its size, and they don’t want to turn it into a fire.


Maybe has a sentimental value to them of some kind. They search and search for options and then they find us and we’re able to bring the mill directly to them regardless if it’s in their front yard, their backyard, down a hill in an embankment.”

  • Nathan Nowak



Photo Credit: @wyco_wood_co



Most Rewarding Part of Starting a Business


The success of every business relies on how satisfied clients are with the services they receive. Nathan believes the most rewarding part of running a business is solving clients’ problems on what else to do with their trees rather than turning them into firewood. Seeing his customers happy for his services after he has turned trees, “they thought could not make anything other than firewood” is the most satisfying feeling of being in the business. Everyone desires to get the most out of what they have, and being in this business and having clients approve of your work is a nice feeling to stay motivated.


“The most rewarding thing for me is to talk to a client on the phone when they find me and tell me that they’re just defeated and they don’t have another option of what they’re going to do with this tree, that they don’t want to turn into firewood.”


  • Nathan Nowak


Want to get in touch with Nathan Nowak?


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