Treating your IG story like a TV Show for Content Marketing Ft. Keenan Slab Works

Treating your IG story like a TV Show for Content Marketing


“I need to spend more time and effort into developing content for social media that people want to watch, not just scroll past. I think that if we were able to hone and develop those skills, that we would be able to grow our business and be able to sell more products and services to people.


 So if there if you have any advice on that aspect, I think that would be a huge help to us.”


-Austin, Keenan Slab Works


Photo Credit: Keenan Slab Works

Instagram Highlights and Page Presentation


The first piece of advice Steve offers is that for all of the different parts of the business, there should be different highlights. In this case for Instagram, the best idea for Keenan Slab Works would be a “kiln-drying” highlight, a “finished work” highlight, and a “slabs for sale”  highlight. 


The most important thing in terms of generating engaging content is also consistency and Steve suggests treating your Instagram story as a TV show.


“Record on your phone in one-minute increments and then upload it later. Don’t just hit record in Instagram stories, because once you have it on your phone as a one-off, then you can go back and edit it. 


If you want to get good with editing software, there’s a good app called InShot, that’s a really good video editing software that has music in it built in already. There’s also an app called Snapseed that helps edit photos in a way that shows a certain quality that Instagram prefers in terms of its visual algorithm. 


Photo Credit: Keenan Slab Works


The Power of Precision and Personality


Steve also points out that the one-minute video increment plan forces you to be succinct and direct when you’re explaining what you’re doing or what you’re working on which makes the most out of that content. 


Steve also suggests that Austin turn the camera on to himself and say what he’s working on. Steve suggests an intro video where Austin introduces himself and the company and talks a bit about their origins, passion, values, and vision.


Connection is crucial and it’s much easier for people to connect with a person than with a brand. Sharing tidbits about the person and family behind the brand gives people who love what you’re doing, love your work, and want to see you succeed an opportunity to connect with you even more. 


The biggest take-away is to start recording more content, visually enhancing it to make sure it’s clear and eye-catching, adding in more of the person behind the brand to the videos, and treating the Instagram story section like a reality TV show about your business.

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